Saturday, April 12, 2008

New girl in blogspot

Okay, I feel so new at this right now... I don't even know what to say. My sis introduced me to blogging and here I am now, not umm... knowing what to say. She said it's for typing out your life in words, but then, (sigh) my life is so normal.

I miss my old school. Where i was a senior and everybody seemed shorter than me. (giggle) But the thing i miss most is my best friends. 2 of them to be precise. We were like, always hanging out together. Whenever you see 1 of us, you see all of us. But when we had to go to new schools, we were all separated. All to 3 different schools. We're still keeping in touch, but then we never actually saw each other for quite a while. I really miss them... Oh well, gotta move forward and get back to reality. (p.s. I hate reality) it's too......real. Okay, end of this chapter. I know it seems short and boring but then don't say i didn't warn ya...

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